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Καθημερινή ζωή > Κοινωνική αλληλεπίδραση

Volks-Chor 1945 e.V. Wiesbaden-Dotzheim

The folk choir regularly performs its own concerts with the traditional choir and the modern choir "major and minor". Mother's Day concerts are also held at the Moritz-Lang-Haus. There is the possibility to participate in concerts of the singers circle, social events such as several-day trips, folk choir summer event and the annual closing ceremony. The Volks-Choir-Narrenzunt organizes canal meetings, various social meetings as well as in October theatrical performances with self-written pieces. The repertoire of both choirs includes choral literature from the Renaissance to the present day.

Asternweg 37
65201 Wiesbaden
+49 611 261164

Choir sample Traditions Choir: Every Thursday from 19:00 to 20:30 (local administration Dotzheim, Dörrgasse 2, 65199 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim) Choral sample of the major and minor: Every Wednesday from 20:00 to 21:30 (Moritz-Lang-Haus in Karl-Arnold-Straße 13, (dining room) 65199 Wiesbaden-Dotzheim)